A big and wonderful part of 40 Hours is spending time with Jesus who is fully and completely present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. WoW! It is true. He is really real and present. He humbled himself, yet again, for us mere mortals so we do not have to approach in fear but with hope, love and perhaps curiosity to find out what grace awaits you in His peaceful presence.
Forty Hours devotions begin at the close of the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass on March 3. The Most Holy Eucharist will be exposed in the monstrance on the altar. We will exit the church quietly and reverently so that those who are able to stay in adoration can do so with little distraction. Please take any conversations to the narthex or outside. Thank you.
Additionally, many hours are available where we want to have many friends come and spend time with our Lord on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Select a time on the board located in the narthex. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate contacting the Adoration Leader, Bill Benning at billb671@verizon.net.
[An extra bonus is little 4×6 inch cards for 40 hours have been printed in house so if you spend an hour for a loved ones intentions let them know. If you need a card, contact Sally in the office. One side of the card is a monstrance and the words “40 Hours Eucharistic Devotions” and the back side reads “Because you are so loved, I prayed for your intentions before the throne of God today” and “Eucharistic Adoration” “Saint Katharine Drexel Church, Mechanicsburg, PA”]
In a special way we extend our prayers over Father Jerry Kleponis who is our guest homilist these three nights and to all his brother priests and religious joining us during this special time.