“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word.”
(CCC 1213)
Please contact Theresa Maag at (717) 697-8716 x 223 or prior to the birth of your baby for details about planning your baby’s baptism.
Requirements include the following:
- All Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Workshop prior to the baptism of their child. It is highly recommended that parents attend this workshop before the birth of their baby.
Requirements to be a Godparent:
- be practicing Catholics
- age sixteen or older
- have been confirmed
- must be registered parishioners of this parish or must present a sponsor certificate from their home parish
- if married, must have been married in accord with Church law (married by a Catholic priest or deacon; married by another minister with proper dispensation; had marriage validated by the Catholic Church)
- must participate in the Saturday evening vigil or Sunday Mass and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion
- must keep the Holy Days of Obligation
- under special circumstances, permission may be given for one non-Catholic who is a baptized Christian to be a “witness” to the baptism. Witnesses are not considered Godparents.
More Information on being a Godparent, see the Catholic Church’s Requirements of Godparents, please refer to the Code of Canon Law (church law) canons 774, 872, 873, 874, 892, 893, 920, & 989.
In the event that a godparent cannot be present for the Baptism because of distance, age or illness, a designated person may act as a proxy. The proxy for a godparent must be Catholic and must secure a Sponsor’s Certificate from their parish priest which testifies to their suitability as a godparent. Please advise the priest of the name of the proxy as soon as possible.
Baptism Day: Please dress the baby in garments that can be easily opened at the chest for the anointing. White clothing is traditional, but not required.
Baptism is an occasion to celebrate spiritually as well as socially. Please feel free to invite as many relatives and friends as you would like.
Photographs may be taken after the Baptism ceremony is over. The Priest and/or Deacon will also be available at that time if you would like them to be in any of the pictures.
The customary donation is given to the celebrant of Baptism as a token of appreciation and gratitude.
“Couples who are requesting Baptism for their child should be practicing Catholics which means regular Mass attendance and active church membership; otherwise the couple is asked to renew an intention to practice and membership; the Baptism can be postponed (3 months) until the couple is able to make this commitment of faith. Also, additional sessions may be required if the couple is not practicing or cannot make a commitment to faithful practice of the faith and active membership”
If a couple is asked to attend additional sessions, they will be asked to schedule an appointment with our Pastoral Associate Theresa Maag and attend two other faith formation sessions. “Practicing faith” means attending Mass weekly to monthly and engaged in parish life and community.
Baptism dates can be recommended but are not confirmed until Fr. Ken approves them for each month.