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Thank You to All Who Contributed to the Easter Flower Decorations

Just a word of gratitude for all who donated to the Easter Flower Collection. You contribution made this Easter Season glorious as the garden of tulips, lilies, daffodils, mums and hydrangeas adorned the altar.

Thank you to our youth and adult volunteers who decorated.

Thank you to those who watered and tended the flowers throughout Easter Season.

Aside from the hardy hydrangeas which remain, the other flowers were removed from the altar and planted around the church campus. This horticultural upcycle project is a labor of love and is a gentle reminder of the constancy of humanity’s earthly journey beginning with birth, life, then death. As faithful Catholics, our hope is that after we die in Christ, we will rise with Christ. Alleluia!

Perhaps the colorful and fragrant flowers which welcome us to church are a nod from our loved ones reminding us of this very real hope and joy!


2024 Contributor Memorial/Honor
M/M Charles Acri Doris Grandon
M/M Marino Acri Our deceased parents & grandparents
Mr. Emil Agostino
D/M Domingo Alvear
Mrs. Mary Aungst Deceased family & friends
Mrs. Maryanne Barry Raymond Barry, Dean Barry
Mrs. Wendy Bechtel Bechtels, Heinz’s, Other deceased family members
Mr. Michael Bechtel Herb Henry, Tio Holmes, Charles Bechtel, AW Heinz
M/M Howard Befort Verna Befort, Darlene Perkins, Richard Perkins
M/M William Benning Deceased Members of the Benning & Scheffey Families, Ed Reed, Ernie Davis
M/M Joseph Berra Betty Berra
D/M William Beutler Gerald Fisher Family, William Beutler Family
M/M Joseph Bova John P. Powers, Pasquale Bova, Anne Keck, Lou Schultz
Mr. Gregory Bowman Rebecca C. Bowman, Mary B. Connell, Ruth Ann Decker, Peter Cody
M/M James Brookes M/M Leonard Slodyski, M/M William Brookes, William Brookes, Jr.
Mrs. Connie Burket William Burket, Christopher Burket, Paul & Adelaide Porta, Reed & Marty Benton
M/M Gerald Cardinale
Mrs. Janet Cassidy Steve Cassidy, My Parents, Tom & Bob Kearney, Kay Wilson
M/M Henry Chance Ann & Harry Chance, Edward & Mary Thomas, Stanley Rembis, Helen Volovicz
Mrs. Elizabeth Chase Ells, Len, Neil, Mary, Mary, grandparents, Louise, Vicky
Mr. Thomas Chetaitis
Mr. & Mrs. George Connolly Beverly A. Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kray, Mr. & Mrs. George S. Connolly, Sr., Charles B. Kray & Connolly Sisters
M/M Gregg Cook Glenn Campbell, Ron & Kay Cook
M/M John Cram Edward & Stella Furtek, Elaine Kustra
M/M Sean Creegan Falvo & Creegan Families
Mrs. Ann Cuomo
M/M Bart Deluca Frank & Elaine Sakowski, Bart & Harriet Deluca, Sr.
M/M John Donahue
M/M Michael DuCharme Ken & Emily Thomas, Joe & Dottie DuCharme
M/M thomas Esposito Martha Esposito, Francis Esposito, Anna & Nick Shuman, Brian Logue
M/M Carl Forestieri
M/M Alfred Fox Helen & Len Schneiderman
Mrs. Virginia Frankowicz Richard W. Frankowicz
Mrs. Barbara Graham David Graham
Mrs. Joseph Hanlon Joseph Hanlon, Michael & Olga Garcia
M/M James Burket
M/M James Harris William & Josephine Z, Jimmy & Kathy Harris
M/M Richard Hrip Andrew Hrip, Helen & George Balog, Frances & Jay Pribulsky, Winnie & Ed McGee, Mary Swerdan
M/M John Hund Joseph & Ruth Finn, John & Eleanor Hund
M/M Glenn Jourdan
Mr. John Keck Anne Keck, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Keck, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Butruille, Larry Keck
M/M John Korch Peter & Mary Korch Family, Joseph & Mary Miller Family
M/M James LaRocca James & Jelsie LaRocca, John & Arlene Gross
M/M William Lowe
M/M Robert Maag Shirley Shevlin
M/M Stephen Madrak, Sr. Mary Madrak, Grace Clark
M/M Robert Malpass Bob & Rose Malpass, Joe & Stella Timalonis
M/M William Scott Martin Doris Totino, Kathleen Martin
M/M Francis Masciantonio Philip & Delores Masciantonio, James & Mary Lou Boyle
M/M Gaetano Mastrella
M/M Robert McDermott John L. McDermott, Kevin J. Schwab
M/M Charles McDonnell Our Families, Holy Souls in Purgatory, World Peace
Mrs. Donald McHale McFale Family
Mr. Robert Mentzer Anne Mentzer, Dorothy Mentzer
Mr. Thomas Monko Chesterann Monko
M/M Joseph F. Moritz
M/M Robert Naccarato
Ms. Victoria Nelson Edward & Charlotte Weir
Mrs. Ho-Thanh Nguyen The Nguyen Family, Bang Nguyen, Rev. Ha Hguyen, Rev. Tien Nguyen
Mrs. Anthony Niglio Tony Niglio
M/M ouis Puliti M/M Anthony Vajda, M/M Hugo Puliti
M/M David Ringablen Our Parents
M/M Brian Rose
M/M Richard Rudock Robert & Peggy Rudock
Mrs. Helen T. Schwar James P. Schwar, John & Elizabeth Rodenbaugh, William & Anna Clocker, Beatrice & Albert Leffler
M/M Robert Scott The Konecny & Scott Families
Mr. John Shedleski John & Betty Shedleski, Carolyn Shedleski
Mr. Philip J. Shevlin Shirley Shevlin
Mrs. Jeanette Slayton John Slayton
M/M Edward Stetz III Edward M. Stetz Jr, Leonard & Marie Nowak
Mrs. Mary Jean Stoner Deceased Members of the Stoner & Anstett Families
M/M John Strunk M/M Peter Angotti, Marla Rose Angotti
M/M Daniel Suders Suders & Paulaitis Families
M/M Steven Swank
M/M Thomas Taddeo
M/M Joseph Tricarico Eric Mills
Mr. Philip Wilt Sarah Wilt, Sharle Kirkham
Ms. Brenda Wilt
Mr. Matthew Winkelbauer
M/M Michael Winslow
M/M Donald Woolford The Kramer & Woolford Families
Mary Wyant Andy Dapkins
M/M Michael Zarcone Myra Zarcone, Stella Koos
Mr. William Zelner Patricia Zelner, Karen Zelner, Kearney & Zelner Families
  • Mass Times

  • Saturday Vigil:  4:30 p.m.
    Sunday:  8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (live stream)

  • Monday: No Mass
    Tuesday: 9:00 a.m.
    Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.
    Thursday: 9:00 a.m.
    Friday: 9:00 a.m.

  • Click Here for Live Stream Link for Sunday Mass

  • Sacrament of Penance/ReconciliationWednesdays: 6:00 p.m.

  • Fridays: 8:00 a.m.
    Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.
    Anytime by appointment or request

  • Holy Days of Obligation
    Please check Bulletin for Mass Schedule

  • Mass & Confession Times

Saint Katharine Drexel