“It is not what you give up, but rather, who you become”
Let us become the “best version of self, the image and likeness of our God, Abba, who loves us and calls us to grow as His family, as His children, to know, Him to love Him and to serve Him.”
May this Lent be one of grace and blessing and transformation for all!
Ash Wednesday February 17 | 7 p.m. Liturgy of Word, Rite of Communion and Distribution of Ashes (church and live stream)
A Lenten Evening of Reflection | March 16 at 7 p.m. (church and live stream)
Consecration to Saint Joseph – February 16 | March 1 | March 19 at 7 PM (church and live stream)
SOUP & SPEAKER SERIES….Wednesdays at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Join Becky Davis virtually for the No Greater Love series. Please contact Becky for the meeting link.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS…following the 9 a.m. Friday Morning Mass. This will be in the church and live streamed beginning Friday February 26th. On March 26th we will have do Stations of the Cross in the evening.
Friday February 26th – Mary’s Way of the Cross
Bishop Barron’s Reflection – The Stations of the Cross
There are many opportunities ‘to become’ this Lent. Last year, quarantine was ushered in during the season of Lent. Life as normal was halted in its tracks. For some of us, it was a welcomed change that forced us to stop and assess the life we were used to living. It became a time to assess what really matters. Perhaps, it became a time of challenges and difficulties related to work, school, family life, finances and community under a newly perceived ‘normal’. As practicing Catholics, the sacramental life of Baptisms, Penance, Holy Communion, Weddings, and Funerals were altered to accommodate flattening the curve. Sacramentals, like Holy Water, dried up. Fortunately, our Confirmation students received their Sacrament days before the shutdown. When summer came the church doors reopened cautiously and so did the attendance of our parishioners. Our live streaming abilities grew from using a laptop, camera and microphone to a professional setup making it a better experience for at-home participation as we sheltered in place. Weekly emailed newsletters, in addition, to website and social media communications increased as a way to stay connected. Phone calls by parish staff were made to assist in the effort of supporting the body of Christ at St. Katharine Drexel Parish.
There is much that can be said and written about the year 2020, and for the year, 2021, which is unfolding before our eyes. What impressions were imprinted upon us because of this drastic change a year ago? What if we present these lingering impressions to God, asking for His guidance like a youth asking for help from his own human father on an important matter. What are we supposed to do in the wake of this alteration of life? How are we being called to become? How can we be transformed for His Glory? Was it a coincidence that the shutdown occurred during the Season of Lent, and now, this year we are invited to be transformed by these experiences this Lent?
Create in us a new work, O Lord, one that is beautiful, one that will carry us through our 40 days in the desert to Calvary. Create a work that is victorious over the cross, a work that will transform us so much so that when we worship You this Easter as Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the true Living Father God, we can boldly rejoice, singing, Alleluia!
Here is the itinerary for our journey.
Because this is the Year of Saint Joseph, we will have a preseason kickoff with Deacon Scott Root as he teaches us about Saint Joseph and leads us in a 33-day Consecration using Father Donald H. Calloway, MIC’s book entitled Consecration to Saint Joseph, The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father on Monday February 15th at 7 p.m.
On Wednesday, February 17th we will celebrate Ash Wednesday.
Friday, February 19th will be the first of our Stations of the Cross after Friday Morning Mass.
The following week, on Tuesday February 23rd, we start the 9-day Novena to our patroness, Saint Katharine Drexel whose Feast Day is March 3rd. Also, ‘A Lenten Evening of Reflection’ presented by our pastor, Father Kenneth G Smith, will help with the frame this season of becoming.
Typical Lenten practices include prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Instead of eating a full meal at lunch or dinner, schedule a light meal and join Pastoral Associate Becky Davis during our Wednesday ‘Soup and Speaker Series’ at noon and 5 pm where we will learn the depth of our Savior’s Love for us during the course by Dr. Edward Sri entitled, No Greater Love.
The Knights of Columbus will have Fish Fries to help us abstain from meat on Fridays too.
The rosary is prayed after Mass on Sunday mornings and before Mass during the week.
There will be deanery confession services available as well.
So many opportunities to grow and become who God is calling us to be!