Each month parents have the opportunity to grow in their faith while their children attend faith formation class. Every home is considered a Domestic Church, the place where we live out and teach the gospel daily, intimately. We are called to evangelize and what better place to do this than in our own homes where the realness of life happens. The home is the foundation for passing along the faith to the next generation. In today’s world, many Catholic parents feel that they may not be as equipped to share the faith. Please know that you are. You are because you love. As cliche as it is, God is love, and you are made in His image and likeness. You can do this. Our pastor, Father Ken wants to assist you and provide you with the tools that will build your mind, heart and expression of this ministry of evangelizing our children. You will become more confident on this journey with your family as members of the body of Christ.
Two resources that will help you are:
Lent 2020
Join us are we delve into God’s goodness about bringing us closer to Him through his abundant mercy and grace. This 3 part series is available on and is also being shown simultaneously as the youth faith formation classes on Sundays and Wednesdays.
November 2019
Join Becky Davis as she provides and overview of this fabulous faith formation tool. She will help you get it setup and review many of the program options. You can watch Catholic Movies, participate in bible studies. For instance, on Sundays and Thursdays we offer an Adult Faith Formation Program that is covering the Gospel of Mark. If you are not able to attend class you will still be able to watch the 14 sessions at your own speed and on your own time. This is a free service that Saint Katharine Drexel Parish offers our families. Be blessed and formed!
From Mass to Mission –
As Catholics we believe that the liturgy – through symbols signs, gestures, and words – speaks to us about ourselves, our world, ad our God. United as one in the Eucharist, with the priest celebrant at their head, the members of the Church form the mystical body of Christ. We are linked to one another in a powerful way, particularly anyone who is suffering, poor or persecuted….we can begin to make connections between what we do at Mass and our commitment to justice and service in the world. We can become people who not only know Christ, but who also participate in the life and mission of the global Catholic community, inviting others to know him, to love him and serve him with joy and conviction. (source: From Mass to Mission, page 2)
Only 31% of Catholics Believe Jesus’ Real Presence is in the Eucharistic
Pew Research conducted a survey and found that only 31% of Catholics believe that when the gifts of bread and wine are consecrated by the priest that they become Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity. Some things have not changed. It was a hard concept for those introduced to the concept by Jesus 2000 years ago. Jesus just multiplied fish and bread and fed thousands. Next He told this group that the key to eternal life is that they will have to eat His body and drink his blood. Gross! This act was not kosher for this large group of potential Jewish converts. What did they do? They did the logical and educated thing. They walked away. In Bishop Robert Barron’s book Letter to a Suffering Church, he addresses this pivoting moment in Jesus’ ministry. This is a critical piece in the gospel. He relates the following:
“Finding the Lord’s words concerning the Eucharist simply too much to take, the majority of Jesus’ followers abandoned him: “Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him.” Turning to his inner circle, the tiny band of his most ardent apostles Jesus said, simply and plaintively, “Do you also wish to go away?” The entire future of the Christian movement was hanging in the balance as Jesus awaited an answer. Finally, Peter spoke: “Lord to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:66-68) [source: Letter to a Suffering Church, Page 57, copyright 2019,]
What will you do? Do you believe? If unsure or are siding with the 69% that either do not know or think it is symbolic then I strongly encourage you to come to Eucharistic Adoration or simply to Mass and pray towards the tabernacle, “Jesus, help my unbelief”. See what happens.
Bullet points of other items discussed in September’s Parent Faith Formation Session
- Extra copies of Letter to a Suffering Church are available in the Parish Office
- America Magazine is a Jesuit Publication that some may find helpful
- Teach respect by giving respect to one another
- Our job as parents is to give our children roots
- Currently we offer a Middle School Youth Group program for Grades 5 to 8
- There are opportunities for Grades 9 to 12 like Mount 2000 and Fan the Fire but not a structured monthly program at the parish
- In December Father will have a better idea about finances and the ability to have a part time youth coordinator
- Stewardship is our way of supporting the Church, we cannot offer what we do not have the resources to fund
- Myparishapp is a wonderful way to save in touch with the parish and additional faith based options
- is a wonderful website where you get freebies for your family’s faith formation – videos, blogs, and more. SKD pays for this service so you can be enriched for free. Simply go to signup, select ‘I belong to a parish’, select ‘St Katharine Drexel’.
- Protect your children and use parental controls on electronic devices, limit time on the devices and do not have the devices in their rooms – it is unhealthy for them and is addictive. Parents lead by example.
- Faith is Caught Through the Parents
- Lectio Divina is a powerful way to develop a deeper prayer life
- Parents – You’ve Got This! Praise Be Jesus Christ!